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Monday, January 13, 2014

pesto change-o

I went to the library yesterday to return a workout DVD I borrowed and ended up spending half an hour in the Health section, sitting on the floor and sifting through books. Call me a book worm, but I came home with 5 books all about food, some more information based (like "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan - with the motto on the cover "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.") and some are more recipe based, like "Cook This Not That!". From the same writers of "Eat This Not That!", these recipe books alter restaurant favorites, changing up the recipes with substitutions and healthy alternatives.

While I was flipping through "Cook This Not That!", I saw a recipe for pesto sauce that inspired me to try my own tonight. My dad, who is not a fan of pesto, wasn't home for dinner, so me and my mom decided to try out making our own pesto sauce and paninis. I've made a panini before (see this blog post) and although I don't have a panini press, just heating up the sandwich on a pan and pushing down with another pan suffices.

Other alternatives to this recipe could be substituting the Mozzarella cheese for grilled chicken or putting all the ingredients over pasta instead of into a sandwich!

The mozzarella is a great source of protein (which is important for energy and muscle maintenance), calcium (to maintain bone structure and protect tooth enamel), and vitamins B6, A, D, and E. It helps maintain healthy skin and vision and the formation of red blood cells. Keep servings of most cheese at a minimum though because many are sources of saturated fats. Spinach is low in calories and high in vitamins, and improves cardiovascular health, has cancer-fighting antioxidants, and improves brain function. Basil is virtually calorie free and a great source of Vitamins A and K, and nutrients Lutein and Zeaxanthin, both which help in eye health by lowering the risk of macular degeneration. Walnuts are a good source of protein, omega-3s, and monounsaturated fats and out of all nuts have the second highest amount of antioxidants per serving (after pecans). 

Here's what you'll need:
yeilds 2 servings
2 Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats sandwich bread
1/2 - 1 avocado 
8 cherry tomatoes
4 slices Mozzarella cheese
1 small clove of garlic (or less if you want a subtle garlic taste only)
2 tbsp walnuts
1/3 cup fresh basil
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1 tsp grated Parmasean
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup olive oil

1. Cut up avocado, cherry tomatoes, and Mozzarella cheese.

2. Chop up basil, spinach, walnuts, and garlic. Grate Parmasean. Add ingredients to food processor. 

3. Gradually add oil and pulse until all ingredients are finely chopped and texture is a paste.

4. Make sandwich. Place on grill pan or frying pan. Press down, then flip and repeat. 

5. Enjoy!!

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