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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new year new food

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope everyone's holidays were wonderful and filled with delicious food, family, and friends. And now it's that time of year that resolutions start up again and everyone looks for a new start. New years always bring new excitement; I know for me 2014 will be a very exciting year. In June I'll graduation high school (crazy!), and at the end of August I'll be starting college (even crazier!!). Within the new few months, I'll decide on where I'll go to college, enjoying my last semester in high school, going to prom, graduation.. all really great things ahead!

I hope the new year will bring excitement and happiness to everyone, and very importantly I hope it will bring everyone health. Whether your resolution is to lose weight or get more fit, I hope you stick to it and reach any goals you have. I hope my blog can continue motivating everyone to eat healthy and clean with new recipes and new ideas, and I hope for another great year as a blogger!

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