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Thursday, October 3, 2013

it was Greek to me!

Every day for lunch I pack a Greek yogurt and either flax seed or Chia seed to put into it (unless I bring leftovers from the previous night's dinner). I've had the same lunch for years, but I've never looked into why Greek yogurt is so much healthier than regular yogurt. I sort of just took it for granted since it became well-known. So I looked further into why Greek yogurt has been so demanding and what about it is so healthy.

Yogurt comes from milk that has had healthy bacteria added, causing fermentation. During this process, the yogurt thickens. It is then strained through a cheesecloth, which allows liquid whey to drain off. Regular yogurt is strained twice, and Greek yogurt is strained three times (which is why it's thicker).

In comparison to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has almost double the protein, fewer carbohydrates, and half the soldium. The calories (of plain yogurts) are comparable and there is more calcium in regular yogurt, and from my research it seems like there's a bit of a debate which one is "better"; in my opinion the benefits of Greek yogurt outweight those of regular yogurt.

The protein content keeps you full, Greek yogurt is easy to digest (due to the lower amount of carbohydrates and therefore lower amount of lactose), and it contains probiotics. These are microorganisms that help improve digestive function and the immune system, and protect against colon and bladder cancer. Probiotics are considered a "good" bacteria and can ensure absorption of nutrients and a proper development of the immune system, and can protect against microorganisms which cause disease.

Greek yogurt is also very versatile! It can be eaten with fruit and granola (or flax) as a lunch, as a substutite in baking or as sour cream on tacos, mixed with seasoning as a dip for vegetables, or made into a fruit dip, like the one I made for myself after school today.

Here's what you need:
yields 2 servings
1 vanilla Greek yogurt
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp ground walnuts
1/2 tbsp cinnamon 

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl (or in the yogurt container!)

 2. Enjoy with your favorite fruit! I had it with apples and strawberries and it was delicious!!


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