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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ice cream for more

I decided to hop on the banana ice cream bandwagon and try out the recipe that I see a lot of other healthy food blogs and gurus talk about. My aunt texted me a few weeks ago suggesting that I try making it, and I've been curious if it actually tastes like ice cream. So I gave it a try today.

For those of you who don't know, the concept of this is to put frozen banana in a food processor, and soon enough the consistency will closely resemble that of ice cream, and you quickly have a healthy alternative to everyone's favorite treat. 

Personally, I wasn't sure how much I'd like this; I love bananas and I love ice cream, but I wasn't so sure if the "ice cream" would taste too much like bananas and it wouldn't be sweet enough. But lo and behold, I can guarantee that this is a pretty cool snack and it really does taste like ice cream! If you don't believe me though (I understand it's hard to believe), try it yourself!

This recipe yields enough for 2 servings (one serving is basically one banana). It's great because this snack is filling and satisfying, delicious, and nutritious! What could be better?

Additional tidbit I want to add: I'm in a Food Science and Nutrition elective at school, and this week our project was to research 3 "kitchen mysteries" and present them to the class. One of mine was what is a brain freeze. So since we're on the topic of ice cream, I thought I would share with you that a brain freeze is the caused by the initial contact between the cold food and the roof of your mouth. Blood vessels in your palate tighten quickly, then dilate back to their normal state when you swallow the food. This causes your trigeminal nerve (bringing my brain parts from Psychology class into the mix) -which lies close to your palate- to interpret the constriction as pain. The location of the nerve makes it seem like the pain is coming from your head, like a headache.

The best way to get rid of brain freeze is to put your thumb or tongue on the roof of your mouth to warm the palate. The nerve clusters will then no longer be stimulated and will call off the warning of pain. To avoid brain freeze altogether though, eat frozen foods slowly!! 

I promise I finished my whole bowl!
Here's what you'll need:
2 bananas

1. Cut up 2 bananas and freeze overnight.

2. In a food processor, process bananas. Scrape the sides of the processor occasionally until the bananas resemble a smooth, ice-cream consistency.  

It's ok if the bananas look like this at first

3. Top with walnuts, chocolate chips, or melted peanut butter! Enjoy!

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