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Saturday, February 9, 2013

can this cold disap-pear?

This morning when I woke up, I was feeling a little sick. My throat was sore and I was stuffy, plus I just wasn't in the mood to really do anything at all (which is very unusual). Ok so more than a little sick. As the day went on I felt better, but still I can tell I have a cold. So that means on this fine and snowy Saturday night I'm relaxing. I took a nice bath, drank some tea, even watched a little bit of A Walk to Remember on TV - it gets me every time - and of course I spent some time in the kitchen.

Earlier on in the day, I had no appetite at all (which is also very unusual) but by dinnertime I was hungry and excited to eat... And come dessert time I was even more ravenous (SAT word of the day). So I decided to grill pears for me and mom. If you remember from one of my earlier posts, she's allergic to lots of fruit, and this (remember when I made apple crisps in a mug?) is another way that we both can enjoy eating the fruit.

Pears are full of vitamins and other essential nutrients. They have fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamin C (which is good for colds), and about 85% water, which is good for hydration of the body (don't forget about the importance of water!!) Although pears are really sweet on their own, this dessert would have been perfect with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.

Here's what you'll need:
a pear
brown sugar

1. Cut a pear into thin slices.

2. Heat a grill pan and sprinkle brown sugar on it.

3. Put pears on the pan and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

4. Flip pear slices when you can visibly see the grill's lines on the bottom side. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

5. After a few minutes, the pears are ready to be taken off. Enjoy!!


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