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Saturday, December 15, 2012

eggcelent way to start your day

You knew that pun would show up at some point, didn't you?

This post isn't much of a recipe, it's just me filling you in on some things.

1. I just made myself a delicious egg breakfast and wanted to share it with you. I chopped up a handful of kale, a jalapeno pepper, and feta cheese and added them to a scrambled egg. I put it on a piece of whole wheat toast and I had myself a great breakfast. 

*Sidenote: Kale is one of those "superfoods" that everyone should have. It's a leafy green that I don't think has much of a taste, but it is jam-packed with good things. Kale has a lot of antioxidant vitamins and fiber. Kale is known for its high content of vitamin K (K for Kale! - easy enough to remember) which is a cancer-preventing vitamin. 

2. I was playing around with the layout of my blog and found an email notification "gadget" it was called. If you look to the right of the posts, under my description, you can add your email and get every new post sent straight to you! I added that with my mom in mind, because I know she's not of Facebook or Twitter to see when I publicize for myself. I also added a search box right under the title so that it's easy to find anything I've ever posted. 

3. Also, I just have a little preview of a survival guide to New Years Resolutions. It's that time of year again when holiday cookies are everywhere and the "I'll start my New Year's Resolutions in January" excuse comes out. I know for me the temptations can be hard, but just limit yourself. One holiday cookie a day isn't the worst thing ever, just don't go overboard from now until December 31 (unless of course we don't make it past December 21..). It'll be much harder to start off the new year right if you're used to a batch of cookies a day for the weeks prior. And we all know that come January 1 every gym is packed with new members and everyone claims they're going to be healthy this year. Well, make this the year that you keep your resolution!!

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