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Monday, November 19, 2012

it's worth a fry

I'm pretty sure I could eat sweet potatoes every day of my life, and as far as favorite foods go it's a little unusual, but I love them. And how my mom and I make them with dinner, you'd never know the different between a sweet potato fry from Friday's and our homemade sweet potato slices (ok maybe you would - but these are so good I promise).

Sweet potatoes always find themselves on "the best foods to eat" lists, and they really are a super-food.   Compared to your average potato, sweet-potatoes pack in many more nutrients and are a healthier alternative. Loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and potassium, sweet potatoes are a no-brainer food to eat, and I personally think they taste delish.

*Fact: Yams and sweet potatoes are often used interchangeably, but sweet potatoes are actually nutritionally superior. They have greater protein and fiber contents, and the biggest difference is that sweet potatoes have a huge vitamin A content, whereas yams don't.

Here's what you'll need:
4 sweet potatoes (serves about 4 people - 1 potato a person)
olive oil
spices (I used paprika, cayenne, chili powder, salt)
*Tip: Dr. Weil was recently on Dr. Oz's show and recommended using iodized salt when cooking. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland, and in recent years the average intake of iodine has decreased nationally. This is because people are cooking less and taking-in food more; so when we do cook, we should use iodized salt so we are sure to get the iodine we need.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Peel and cut up the sweet potatoes in thin strips (thinner strips cook faster and get crispier quicker!)

3. Put all the strips in a big bowl, and sprinkle with olive oil.

4. Add spices to your liking and mix fries around to spread out the spices.

5. Lay on a tray and put in the oven for a least 1 hour. The longer you leave them in, the crispier they will get (but don't let them burn!!).

6. Enjoy!!!


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