I bet as you're reading this, the first resolution that comes to mind has to do with food and/or exercising. Me too. Especially after this past week of winter break with a messed up routine, less exercise than desired, and continuous eating.
Well I want us all to reach our resolutions together, and I've been thinking of ways that to do so. We all say every year "this will be the year I stick to my goals", but I know for me I have yet to come to a December 31 with a check next to each one of the things on my list from January 1. But in reality these goals are just like a giant to-do list for the year. And I know when I make a to-do list everything has to be done. So why is this different? It's not.
I'll share with you one of my main new year's resolutions. I want to be more in shape. I work out now, but I'd like to work out more on a schedule and to aim to be stronger. I can do minimal push-ups, my endurance is lacking a little, and I want to be able to feel really good all the time. I'm sure a lot of you also have a goal similar to this one, and for any resolutions that involves working out more I have the same advice. What I'm going to do this year is log all of my workouts. I'm going week by week and writing down my planned workouts and goals and I'm writing them down for myself. (I even have this beautiful journal to write it in). Then, when I complete the workout, I'm going to write down what I've done to keep track of everything for the year.
That sounds like a lot of planning, I know. But my sister Jenna decided last year to train for a 5K rather than just fecklessly run on the treadmill at the gym, and after that 5K she ended up running another one. A few months later she ran a 10K. Jenna said that having a schedule and a plan, and a goal helped motivate her to work out more. And I think when things are written down, it's more likely that they will get done. So this is a good plan for me in the new year and hopefully it gives you some ideas of how to get to where you want to be as well.
Another one of my resolutions is to stick to eating healthy. And this may sound funny coming for me, but it's true. My main goal is to stick with portion control. I enjoy healthy food so much that sometimes I forget that too much of it isn't good, so I keep eating past the amount I need to. Most of what I eat is healthy, but that mindset tricks me sometimes into disregarding the amount of food I consume. Quite the problem, right?
I'm sure for many of you though just eating healthier is a resolution. Well, we're all in this together and hopefully some of my recipes will help you through 2013 without depriving your taste buds of good flavor. I believe that the most important aspect of eating healthy is keeping in your mind why you're doing it. Maybe short-term it's to lose weight or get in shape, but long-term, it's so imperative to give your body the nutrients and food that it needs to stay healthy for the rest of your life. So in reality, this resolution of ours is more like a life goal. Now if that's not intimidating you, I don't know what will.
Seriously though, we can do this. I'm no expert on any other goals you may have, I'm really no expert on this either. But I share the same resolutions with you when it comes to being healthy, and I think we're all ready to tackle 2013. You still have two days to sign up for the gym (warning: it's always most crowded on January because new members sign up. Don't be discouraged, just make sure you keep your membership all year!). You also still have two days to buy yourself a great notebook or journal to keep all your work outs in. And if you so desire and think it'll help, track your food as well. You'll probably be less temped to eat something that you'll feel guilty about if it's written down forever. (Make sure to use pen to intimidate yourself!)
As much as I want to help you here, in all honesty the only person that can really bring you to December 31 feeling fit, accomplished, and satisfied is yourself. Motivate yourself to work out with a great playlist. Drink a lot of water, and eat healthy without starving yourself or depriving yourself of good food. We can do this! (Hey, we survived the apocalypse last week, think about that and we can survive anything.)
Have a happy New Year's everyone, and I'll blog back again in 2013!!