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Saturday, May 11, 2013

my first date

First impressions are always important, with food as well. But sometimes giving something a second chance proves to be better than how it seemed at first. That's how it was for me with dates. I'm more of a prune girl, which I know is weird but I really do love them. And a little bit ago one of my friends asked me if dates and prunes are the same thing. And I knew they weren't but I didn't know really anything about dates. So my mom bought a tub of them and I tried one. I was not a huge fan. It was sweet, but a weird consistency and sort if sticky.   But the other day I saw Lauren Conrad posted a recipe on Pinterest for cocoa date "fudge" and I remembered I had a whole tub of the dates in my cabinet. So I decided to give the fruit a second try, and I looked into what a date really is, since I didn't know! 

This powerhouse fruit is fat and sodium free, with very few calories, and a lot of fiber and potassium. There are antioxidants and others minerals packed into the little fruits, too.

And what's cool is that this "fudge" really does taste delicious. The texture of the dates provides the compact texture for the snack and it really isn't unhealthy! With very few ingredients, this is a good pick me up snack for when you're not really hungry but just in the mood. And what's good is that just one little bite (at least I found) is perfect! 

*For best results: refrigerate!! 

Here's what you'll need: 
Yields 16 bite-sized squares 
1 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup walnuts
2 tsp vanilla 

1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and mix until homogeneous.

I'll be honest, I think they look awful!

2. Make into small bars, balls, or squares (or whatever shape you wish - they're very easy to mold!) Enjoy!!


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