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Friday, May 24, 2013

crepe-y weather for MDW

So it's Memorial Day weekend (MDW) and I am not at the beach, which is not the usual case. By this time of the year, heat is usually a constant climate and I usually feel completely ready for summer. I guess everything's been a little equivocal lately though. My oldest sister Jenna graduated from college last weekend (yay!!), but as my family sat down for the 2 hour, outdoor commencement ceremony, winds picked up really quickly and it was freezing! I guess Boston isn't expected to be the first location to feel the hot weather, but for a mid-May graduation for it to be that cold? The only reason why it feels really close to summer now is because my sisters both are done with the semester and are home when I get home from school saying "Let's do something fun!". Too bad I still have a month left of school and homework...

This weather is also a little confusing because my seasonal allergies just started to bother me the other day. I'm a little late I guess; my mom's started bothering her about a month ago, when most others with allergies were suffering. At that point, I thought this was just a good season for me, but turns out the quick change in weather from super cold to super humid and sticky was the trigger my allergies needed. So I spent the day today doing some homework and playing Candy Crush (which I advise everyone to get on their iPhones with the disclaimer that it is addicting), but mostly sleeping and sneezing.

My appetite is still completely unaffected though, and although I decided to stay in tonight to sleep some more, I made a great dessert for my mom, my sister Suzanne, and myself. I decided to make us crepes, because the recipe I had found looked super easy and I have been wanting to try a crepe for a while anyway. So this was the perfect dessert: a mix of chocolate and fruit all held together with a very light crepe. And usually Suzanne isn't shy to tell me when it's obvious that I used whole wheat flour for a recipe and it doesn't taste as good. This time all three of us agreed that the whole wheat is totally inconspicuous and is a great, healthy alternative to all-purpose flour!

Here's what you need:
yields 4 crepes
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 egg whites
1/2 cup skim milk
1 pinch salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 cup mixed berries (I used raspberries and strawberries)
1 tbsp confectioners' sugar for dusting (I ran out in my house, so I drizzled melted chocolate instead)

1. Whisk together flour, egg whites, milk, salt, and oil in a mixing bowl until you reach a smooth and slightly liquid consistency.

2. Lightly coat a skillet with cooking spray and pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the skillet. Tilt the pan in a circular motion so that the batter can spread to the edges. Cook until the bottom is lightly browned (less than 2 minutes), then flip the crepe for another minute or two.

3. Fill crepe with berries and chocolate chips (and let the chocolate melt in the still-warm crepe) and then fold in half. Or drizzle melted chocolate and confectioners' sugar on top of the folded crepe. Enjoy!!


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