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Sunday, April 28, 2013

egging myself on

Yesterday my parents weren't around for the day, so I spent most of it home alone accomplishing all the homework and such that I needed to. Personally, I like being home alone; I get to put on my music while doing my chores and sing along (not like I refrain if someone's home though...), study for my egg-ams without having to close my door and shut myself away, and in general I just like to sometimes have the house to myself. So I was pretty egg-static.

As many of you may have figured out by now from my other blog posts, I like to plan ahead for myself. And most weekday mornings I eat a pretty basic breakfast: half a grapefruit and Cheerios with almond milk. Sometimes I find myself getting hungry during my morning classes though, and sometimes I just am not in the mood for the same thing that I eat every other day. So I decided to make pre-prepped egg muffins for the week. For me, these are easy because I'm not awake enough to prep anything in the morning, and this is easy enough for my mom to just microwave so that she doesn't need to be prepping eggs at 5:45 in the morning either. It's also a good breakfast for on the go - if you're running late you could easily pick up an apple and this egg and eat it while on the move. Eggs are pretty filling breakfasts, and with the superfood kale and cheese in here, this breakfast is perfect! The only thing I'm going to change for next time is that I think I'm going to make just egg whites instead of the whole egg, but otherwise they were egg-celent.

I topped my egg with some Sriracha, ate it with avocado, and had berries on the side. With a glass of almond milk on the side, this basically tackles all the basic nutrients to start a day off well, and the taste is still egg-straordinary.

And I guess at this point these puns are a little egg-cessive, but they're just so easy to fit in egg-actly where I want them to, and they just crack me up. But I'll try and contain myself for the rest of this post.. no more yolking around.

Here's what you'll need:
yields 6 egg muffins
5 eggs
handful of kale (as much as you'll eat in there - I added a little egg-stra)
1/4 cup shredded cheese (I used pepper jack)
black pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk together.

2. Wash and chop up kale into small leaflets.

3. Add kale and cheese to eggs, add black pepper to your liking. Pour mixture into muffin tins.

4. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Enjoy!!

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