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Saturday, June 8, 2013


The weirdest part about this recipe, is that there's no "dough" at all. There's no flour or grain at all.. and yet this is a 'pancake'. Weird, I know. And personally I don't know if I would consider what I made myself for breakfast this morning a pancake; regardless though, it tasted pretty good and it was a nice change from my usual breakfasts. It's always fun to switch things up a bit.

I've heard a lot of different bloggers and healthy-eaters talk about this sort of breakfast, so I decided to try it out myself this morning. Maybe it would have worked better if I used whole eggs instead of egg beaters, but to be honest whatever it was tasted good. I will warn anyone who tries this that it's sort of a mix between an omelet and a pancake, but with berries on the side it was a great breakfast.

These banana-egg pancakes are a good source of protein to start your day and with the hidden banana in there, all the nutrients from the fruit as well!

Here's what you'll need:
yields two pancakes
1 small-medium sized banana, ripe
1/4 cup egg beaters
1 tsp cinnamon
oil to grease the pan (I used coconut oil)

1. Mash up the banana.

2. Add in egg beaters and cinnamon; mix well.

3. Pour onto greased pan. Flip when the edges get bubbly.

4. Enjoy!

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