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Friday, June 14, 2013

a piece of cake!

This is officially my last weekend home before I'm away for the summer! Yesterday was the last day of classes, but next week I have finals, so last night I spent my night studying for my physics final with some of my friends. Not exactly how I want to be spending my last few nights at home, but I want to do well on this test and studying with others always motivates me to actually review. Once I got home though, I was in the mood for a dessert, and I had found a good recipe on SparkPeople  (a great website for recipes, workout tips, and overall healthy living advice) so I decided to try it out. I made for my dad and myself chocolate mug cake. My dad is usually hard to please when it comes to my healthy experiments, but we both liked this cake! With some whipped cream and strawberries, it was a perfect dessert that didn't leave me feeling too full.

Here's what you need:
yields 2 servings
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg white
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk (I used almond milk)
1/4 tsp vanilla

1. Mix dry ingredients.

2. Add liquid ingredients and stir. Microwave for 3 minutes.

3. Enjoy!!

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