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Friday, April 12, 2013

flower child

Spring is finally here, and this year I've really realized how much I actually love the season. My mood was fantastic all week this week, and I loved enjoying the weather. I went for a run outside again the other day, I've been snacking on my banana popsicles, and today I went out for ices for the first time this season! I've also been embracing the weather with my outfits, bringing out the skirts and putting the boots away until winter. On Wednesday, I wore a headband that I have that wraps across my forehead, and I even got a few comments that I looked like a hippie. One of the history teachers that just so happens to be teaching the counter-culture of the 60's even stopped me in the hall to tell me I fit in perfectly with her lesson..

Anyway, I just thought of that connection since yesterday with dinner I made balsamic roasted cauliflower. So many flowers going on... I love it! Cauliflower happens to be one of my favorite vegetables, and it's good for you too! Cauliflower is packed with vitamin C, fiber, and is low in calories.

Also, I've been really into balsamic vinegar lately. I dress my salads with the vinegar and olive oil, I drizzle the balsamic over chicken or fish, and I decided to try roasting cauliflower in the balsamic as a side dish last night. I think both of my parents and I could all agree that it was a success!

Here's what you'll need:
yields 6 servings
1 head cauliflower 
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the cauliflower head into small bunches and wash.

2. Put the cauliflower in a big Ziploc bag and pour in balsamic vinegar. Mix around to coat all cauliflower.

3. Spread cauliflower out on tins and drizzle remaining vinegar from the bag on top.

4. Keep in the oven for 1 hour. Enjoy!!


1 comment:

  1. this looks so good melis! i might try it with broccoli!
