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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

berry important information

Lately I have not been experimenting in the kitchen as much as just using recipes that I've made before and know I like. I have been doing my research though, and my newest information includes what to eat before and after a workout. So I thought I would share with you all what I've learned, and I'll share with you my newest concoction that I made for myself and my mom after coming home from the gym.

Before working out:

Eat a low fat, low fiber meal. Provide your body with complex carbohydrates and protein, and drink water!! Your body needs the fuel to make it through the workout, and working out on an empty stomach can cause muscle loss, ultimately slowing down your metabolism as your body draws protein from muscle instead of food eaten.

Today I ate half of a whole wheat bagel and natural peanut butter about an hour before my workout, and drank water throughout the day leading up to my work out. 

Ideas of what to eat before you workout:
  • banana with nut butter
  • whole wheat crackers and hummus
  • oatmeal with berries
  • apples and walnuts
  • whole wheat bread with olive oil to dip and veggies on the side
  • brown rice and beans

After working out:

Eat something that combines protein and carbohydrates (again) to replenish the energy storage in your body and to build and repair your muscles. 

Ideas of what to eat after you workout:
  • chocolate milk
  • chicken and vegetable sandwich
  • vegetable omelet with whole wheat toast
  • fruit smoothie
  • tuna on whole wheat bread
Today I made a smoothie for my mom and me when we got home from the gym and it was absolutely delicious! The berries provide nutrients and the sweet taste and the milk provides calcium. Flax seed has fiber and Omega-3's, and the kale has protein (and a whole lot more - it's considered a "superfood"). 

Here's what you'll need:
yields 2 servings
1 1/4 cup almond milk
8 strawberries
1/4 cup blackberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1 tbsp flax seed
3 bunches of kale 

1. Wash the berries and cut them into smaller pieces in order for them to easily be blended. Wash the kale and chop into smaller pieces. Blend all ingredients together in a blender until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.

2. Enjoy!!


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