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Friday, February 7, 2014

no knead for grains

This may be one of the most interesting recipes I've tried, and I definitely can't take credit for the idea - it's been all over the blogging world! Whoever thought to make pizza crust out of cauliflowers must have made some dough off of the idea. It's a pizza cake to follow this recipe (not a real cake - pun intended) and I know I'm getting cheesy here but sometimes I can't help it.

In actuality though, a cauliflower pizza crust is a great gluten-free idea for those intolerant or allergic, or those who just want to minimize simple carbs and processed foods from their diets. Cauliflower is low in calories but high in fiber and vitamin C and works as a great substitute for a conventional crust.

I will warn you that the taste is not exactly comparable to eating a flour pizza crust, but surprisingly enough, it isn't exactly like eating cauliflower either. Depending on how much water you are able to wring out of the microwaved cauliflower depends on how crumbly the crust will turn out, and this is one of those recipes in which patience is a virtue. Make sure you wait for the cauliflower to cool before wringing out the water, and wait until the pizza is cooled before cutting it. Otherwise it will be a little difficult to pick up a piece and eat it with your hands - I ended up eating my pizza with a fork.

Ultimately though, possibly kneading to eat with a fork is a small price to pay for such an inventive and healthy meal.

Here's what you'll need:
yields one 10-12 inch crust

2 small heads of cauliflower
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
1 egg

1. Place a pizza stone in the oven (or a baking sheet if you don't have a stone). Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. On a cutting board, place a large piece of parchment paper and spray or coat with a thin layer of oil.

2. Wash and thoroughly dry cauliflower. Cut off most of the stems and pulse in a food processor until you get a powdery consistency.

3. Place cauliflower in a microwave safe bowl and over. Microwave for 4 minutes. Dump cooked cauliflower onto a clean towel and allow to cool.

4. Wrap cauliflower in the tower and wring out as much water as you can (this will get a chewier consistency rather than crumbly).

5. Add cheeses, salt, basil, oregano, and garlic powder to wrung out cauliflower. Add the egg and form into dough (use your hands!)

6. Form the dough into a crust on the oiled parchment paper. Pat down thoroughly - not too thick or too thin. Bake for 8-12 minutes, or until the crust starts turning golden brown.

7. Remove from oven and add your choice of sauce, cheese, and toppings! (I used regular tomato sauce, shredded fresh mozzarella and Parmesan, jalapenos, mushrooms, and bell peppers). Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the cheese is melted and your vegetables are slightly softer.

8. Wait for the pizza to cool. Enjoy!!

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