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Sunday, December 8, 2013

a SAPpy birthday post

Now that it's Sunday, it means my birthday weekend is coming to an end! It was a perfect birthday though: I celebrated with my friends on Friday (along with 3 friends whose birthdays are all tomorrow!) after I had my favorite dinner of Panko-crusted chicken, sweet potatoes, and brocolli with my parents and best friend. And then last night I had a pot luck dinner with my camp friends to celebrate as well! Most of the celebrating revolved around eating, but that's how we all do it best!

Last night for the potluck, I made maple cinnamon and nutmeg acorn squash inspired by this recipe, but altered a little bit. Using maple syrup is a great sugar substitute, less of it is needed for the same sweet taste, and if you buy 100% pure maple syrup, there won't be any additives or chemicals added. As far as sweeteners go, it's one of the best in the category. Acorn squash is a good source of protein, and a great source of vitamin C, A and B6, in addition to thiamin and folate.

Here's what you'll need:
yields 4-5 servings 
2 acorn squash, cut, seeds removed and sliced into wedges
2 tsp cinnamon
4 tbsp 100% pure maple syrup
6 tbsp olive oil
Kosher salt and black pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients (besides squash).

2. Either coat squash wedges with mixture, or drizzle toppings on top once placed on a baking sheet (whichever you choose).

Some of the wedges didn't balance well, so I had them balance on each other!
3. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes, or until squash is soft when a fork is poked in.

4. Enjoy!!

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