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Monday, February 24, 2014

jicama new food

Last week I looked back at the recipes I've posted and the recipes that I've been making, and I realized they are all very much of the same. As most people do, I gravitate to my favorite foods, my familiar recipes, and my go-to snacks. Although each recipe demonstrates my persistence in clean eating and homemade favorites, very rarely do I try entirely new things.

In order to step outside of my box a little, I bought the first "new" health food that came to mind. I had tried jicama (pronounced hick-uh-muh) only once before, and I didn't know much about it. So I researched the nutrition of it and some ideas on how to eat it, and I got going in the kitchen experimenting!

Jicama is a root vegetable that provides vitamin C for skin health, fiber for bowel health, and can increase absorption of certain minerals and improve nutritional intake. There is virtually no fat and few calories in a serving of jicama. Its crisp texture is comparable to that of water chestnuts, and can be eaten raw. 

Some recipes I saw that used jicama included stir-fry, salsas, refreshing fruit salads (mangoes, pineapples, watermelons, cucumbers), and used as a "vehicle" for dips (I like the way that sounds). I also found various uses of jicama as a substitute for French fries, which is what I tried last night.

Here's what you'll need:
yields 2-3 servings
1 jicama root
olive oil to drizzle
spices to taste - I used paprika, cayenne, and chili powder

1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Cut jicama in half, then slice into centimeter-wide slices (or preferred shape of fries). Slice off ends after cutting, or peel initially. 

I don't know why this picture won't upload the right way.. turn sideways for correct orientation

2. Toss jicama slices in oil and coat with spices. 

3. Bake for 45 minutes. Enjoy!!

They look very much the same before and after cooking

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